
It all starts with your vision. And we have the team to bring it to fruition.

Marketing Art.

You want to spice up your design with bold lines, or want a truly unique cover for your book? We offer a wide variety of artists and styles to find the perfect match for you.

Concept Art.

Your vision is what truly matters for every project - especially in todays entertainment market. If you want to start off your game development with a professional attitude and a rich bodie of concepts, you’re at the right place.

Art Direction.

If you need to go the full mile on your project and don’t know where to start, we can equip you with everything you or your team needs (in the realm of art at least) to get your project running. Or elevate it to the next level.


Es beginnt alles mit einer Idee. Vielleicht willst du ein Unternehmen gründen. Vielleicht möchtest du ein Hobby in etwas Größeres verwandeln. Oder vielleicht hast du ein kreatives Projekt, das du mit der Welt teilen möchtest. Was auch immer es ist – die Art und Weise, wie du deine Geschichte online vermittelst, kann einen gewaltigen Unterschied ausmachen.

Marketing Art.


From a simple and rough sketch to an elaborate piece of art - to make a statement, to accentuate your message, to stand out. Outstanding “Marketing Art” can bring your campaign to the next level - wether it is for classic print or social media. Our diverse cast of artists brings a pool of experience and skills which we want you to benefit from.

concept art outsourcing studio

Your Artwork

Your keyvisuals need to be on point. Even today it is still one of the main drivers to incite excitement for your IP. Wether it’s a cover for a book or a marketing artwork for your game, these keyvisuals set the tone for your product. We want to support that message - loud and clear.

Bringing your IP to life.

You have stories to tell, adventures to share and the need to deliver these into the hand of your customers? We will bring your characters, environments - emotions - and everything in between to life.



To start off on the right foot is essential in the entertainment industry. Appealing visual guidelines and storytelling, as well as a coherent narrative will set you and your team on the right path for further development and set the base for a rich and fascinating fantastical universe. Our workflow will guarantee you a clean and efficient communication along the whole way: you will be able to engage with us on this journey at every step.

2d game art studio

Character Design

When it comes to journeys, what would it be without a hero waiting to be set on his path, a villain to be fought off, and a sidekick to accompany you. We want to help you find these personas to inhibit your stories and give them shape. We use a broad range of design tools to find a personal and individual language for your ideas - no compromises.

Game art outsourcing studios
Game art outsourcing studio
2D Game Art Services
Game Art Services

Iterating and Polishing

From first sketches to the final rendering: we’re always looking to implement your feedback and push the concept further.


Building worlds. Together.

Starting off your IP with a rich background isn’t always easy. We’re here to help you with developing stories and moods as well as crafting the little details for your worlds. And finding the right accompanying artstyle.




If you need to go the full nine yards on your project and don’t know where to start, we can equip you with everything you or your team needs (in the realm of art at least) to get your project running. Or elevate it to the next level. Our team is experienced with and can adapt to most modern workflows and production pipelines.


Lost Ember

Our own Maximilian Jasionowski’s love child was “Lost Ember”, a stunning 3D-Exploration-Adventure handcrafted by a small team of five people in Hamburg Germany. This journey not only tested his metal, but also educated him on nearly every facet of content creation possible. He has hands-on experience with cinematography, art style, animation, fonts, interface design, 3D modeling, you name it. He simply did it all for Lost Ember, which went on to win over twenty awards for its beautiful game art and immersive atmosphere.

2d game art studio


Our team has a total of 50 years of experience in the games industry and has worked for the following clients and more.

2D Game Art Outsourcing services
2d art asset outsourcing services
2D art studio services for video games
2D Game Art services
game art asset outsourcing services
2D Game Art Outsourcing clients
2D Game Art Outsourcing services